April Bullet Journal Set-Up

I’m not very arty, and so my bullet journal isn’t as beautiful as most bloggers and YouTubers out there. Actually, I’ve always used mine more like a diary rather than a bullet journal, but I am starting to make more of a effort to plan out my month and stay organised.

Not only is it calming to take some time out to draw and plan the month ahead, but it can also keep you on track for any goals you have for that month. Since my exams start at the end of April, I have more of a study theme for my journal this time round. Since my timetable will fluctuate depending on how much I achieved the previous day, I haven’t planned out the entire month just yet, but only week 1, however I will be keeping the same layout each week. Also, I mentioned that I use my journal as a diary, too – another reason I keep space at the end of each weekly spread as well.

So, let’s get into it!

First off, I use mildliner highlighter pens (who doesn’t?) and a 0.5 Pilot G-1 pen to write – something I picked up at my student shop last year and have used for note taking every since.

April 3

As you can see, I’m very basic with my journal. I did a few drawings of my plant and vase I have on my side table, but the rest is just boxes and writing. I drew a calendar to keep track of the days and highlighted the days I have events, exams or appointments in yellow, and the days I have work in orange. Underneath the calendar is a list of the days and said events I have in writing, so I don’t forget which one is on what day!

Recently, I’ve not been happy with how I look and I’d love to get back into the gym, but with exams coming and my days being filled with endless hours of studying, it’s not all that possible. So I decided that I would get up and do a few exercises in my bedroom every morning, and track my progress each day – it might not be a lot of exercise, but it’s something, and that’s better than nothing, right?

(As you can see, this morning I did 30 squats, a 30 second squat hold, 25 sit ups and 10 push ups – if I’m honest the push ups were the “easier” style, I’m a weak ass bitch)

Underneath my exercise tracker, I just have a general to-do list for this coming week, which includes catching up with all the lecture notes I missed this semester… ((let me hide))

April 5

My last page is my study plan. This week I’m just focusing on writing out and catching up with notes, as I have A LOT to get through.

Each day I’ll have a plan of how much I want to get through, and at the end of the day I’ll write how much I actually got through, and then come up with a study plan for the next day based on that. Yesterday… wasn’t so much of a good day for studying.

Every time I complete a chapter, I get to tick it off the list on the right hand side of the page which I find is really helpful as the more I tick off, the more motivation I get to complete the other tasks on the list!

This is where I have stopped the spread for the week, giving me space to write any diary entries for that week, or add in more lists or plans if something else arises. Then, next Sunday, I’ll copy the exercise tracker & study plan and continue it on the for next week!

I hope you enjoyed having a look at my smol, basic bullet journal spread for this month. What are your plans for April?
~ Beka

56 thoughts on “April Bullet Journal Set-Up

  1. Another Little Birdie says:

    I love how anyone can do a bullet journal no matter how artsy, it’s really awesome! I want to start one but not in the middle of the year…. maybe the beginning of the next school year? I haven’t got much going on in April but I want to go out more and meet some old friends 🙂

    Thanks for posting!!


    • astrobeks says:

      Thank you! I get what you mean, I tried to start mine in January 2017 thinking that the start of a new year would be a good place to start, but I never used it as much last year other than as a diary, and actually I started using it again this March. While it does feel cleaner to start at a significant period, the only time you should be starting it is when it’s significant to you 🙂 if you want to start one, start one this summer! You don’t need to wait!


    • astrobeks says:

      This managed to get lost in my spam, I’m so sorry 🙈 thank you so much! It did really help for awhile, but I will admit I have slacked on my exercises this week as I’ve been having a bad week mental health wise, but I plan to get back on track!


      Liked by 1 person

    • astrobeks says:

      Thank you so much! You should, it definitely is calming and such a productive way to organise things. The best thing about it is that you can make it your own and find what styles work best for you!


    • astrobeks says:

      I honestly don’t have that much creativity, but I feel the more I write in this journal, the better I get – and obviously inspirations from other people’s bullet journals help as well! You should, it’s a nice way to relax if you’re busy or stressed!


  2. Eleanor says:

    These looks so cool, ive been wanting to get into bullet journeling but im too scared as im not very arty either and id probaly make a mess! Yours looks really good though!


    • astrobeks says:

      The best part about it though is that it’s yours, it doesn’t have to be beautiful or anything, as long as you make it your own and it helps you! You should definitely give it a shot!


    • astrobeks says:

      Yeah I feel you, I usually bullet journal for awhile before I’m like, MY HEAD IS AN EMOTIONAL MESS and it turns into a diary again. I do like having both in the one place though!

      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

    • astrobeks says:

      Thank you! Good luck with yours too, I find taking inspiration from other people’s journals (there are so many gorgeous videos on YouTube) helps me to find my own style!


  3. Rainbow imagine says:

    It seems so much fun to do a bullet journal. I’ve heard of it from a friend and I am considering taking it up. It would help me be more efficient. I kind of enjoy the process of planning too. As for the gym, I feel ya! I have only recently gone back. And I go once a week right now. Now that does make me proud. Its a great idea to start your bedroom with exercises. I like to dance around the house while doing my chores as well.
    For April I would like to add another day of gym to my week. That would make me proud.
    And I plan to get more creative

    Liked by 1 person

    • astrobeks says:

      You definitely should, it’s way more fun organising and keeping on top of things when you do it your own way!

      Dancing while cleaning is always fun, I totally agree with that one! Good luck with the gym, you’re doing way better than me already!


    • astrobeks says:

      You should give it a go, I’m usually so disorganised, especially around exam time, but this is really helping me keep track of what I have left to do! Thank you!


  4. Ellyn Rebecca says:

    I love my bullet Journal! I follow the spreads of Amanda Rach Lee on YouTube, it’s a beautiful cloud theme this month – what I love is that they look beautiful and creative but they are actually really easy to recreate! My plans for April are to get back into workouts, reading more books and meeting up with friends!

    Ellyn x | Life Of A Beauty Nerd

    Liked by 1 person

    • astrobeks says:

      I’ve only seen a couple of bullet journal YouTube videos but I’m really starting to get into them – I’m going to check her out, thanks!

      I’m definitely the same on the workout front, but sadly reading and socialising will have to take a back burner for me until exams are over 😩 good luck with your goals!!


    • astrobeks says:

      I get a little annoyed too, but I keep a stash of pretty cut outs from magazines and if I muck something up in my journal, I stick those cut outs over it and start again haha! Just looks like I’m trying to make a pretty collage instead!


  5. Madi Dearson says:

    Actually bought things to start my bullet journal today:) I have been planning on it for a while now but was sort of intimated by it:) Thanks for giving me a great starting point.

    Liked by 1 person

    • astrobeks says:

      Yessss, I love it! Good luck with it, I hope we’ll see it on your blog too in the coming months, I’d love to see what you do with it 🙂


    • astrobeks says:

      Thank you so much!! Honestly, since I’ve started using it for the month of April it’s gonna very scribbly and messy too 😂 xx


  6. Melina Elisa says:

    I always love looking at other people’s spreads to see if there’s anything that would be of use for my own bullet journal! While you say is super simple, I think mine is as well, which is exactly why looking at your spreads is perfect for me! Great post, they came out beautifully! xxx

    Melina | melinaelisa.com

    Liked by 1 person

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