Bullet Journal Set-Up | June

Last month I didn’t get around to writing in my bullet journal, or posting a spread on here as I was in the middle of my exams and just didn’t have the time. But this month I’ve managed to get it organised in advance!

Like before, I am not very artistic and I’m still trying to find my style so every month is pretty simple, but different. Hopefully you still like reading these kinds of blog posts from me, as I really enjoy doing them!

So far, I have only written down a spread for the 1st week on June. As I’ve mentioned before I also use my journal as a diary to write down my thoughts and feelings. So, to try keep the happenings of each week together, I organise my bullet journal week by week.

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April Bullet Journal Set-Up

I’m not very arty, and so my bullet journal isn’t as beautiful as most bloggers and YouTubers out there. Actually, I’ve always used mine more like a diary rather than a bullet journal, but I am starting to make more of a effort to plan out my month and stay organised.

Not only is it calming to take some time out to draw and plan the month ahead, but it can also keep you on track for any goals you have for that month. Since my exams start at the end of April, I have more of a study theme for my journal this time round. Since my timetable will fluctuate depending on how much I achieved the previous day, I haven’t planned out the entire month just yet, but only week 1, however I will be keeping the same layout each week. Also, I mentioned that I use my journal as a diary, too – another reason I keep space at the end of each weekly spread as well.

So, let’s get into it!

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